【Dr. Zelenko澤連科博士: 新冠確診、疫後、與核酸檢測後解毒處方】預防被疫苗者傳播刺突蛋白-Shedding,疫苗後的解毒刺突蛋白方案!
Zelenko博士推薦 採用槲皮素 + 綠茶素,+ 鋅,+ 維他命C + 維他命 D 這一個基本的疫後或苗後必需同時服用的天然雞尾酒療法,作為非處方藥的替代品。槲皮素是一種"鋅離子載體",這樣,鋅就能進份細胞內,打倒毒害細胞的毒刺突蛋白。

FETAL TISSUE in COV!D V@666INE Disclosed ! Staff of Pfizer exposed Chains of Vice President Emails !
Staff of Pfizer, Melissa Strikler exposed Chains of Vice President Emails Disclosing FETAL TISSUE in COV!D V@666INE! Watch on Rumble :...

PCR Test can be misused to create large number of false positives. It's a Big Scam !
PCR test can be misused to create a large number of false positives, called asymptomatic infections! Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis,...

The COVID Vaccine can invade the human DNA ! 20 out of 23 pairs of chromosomes invaded!
The COVID Vaccine can invade the human DNA ! 20 out of 23 pairs of chromosomes invaded! The latest scientific research by Dr. Richard M....

PCR : How everyone will test positive for Covid-19! 5G is responsible for Cov!d 19 Outbreak?!
PCR : How everyone will test positive for Covid-19! Common COLD could be counted as COV!D 19 by PCR Test ?! We know that the prescribed...

Nano Robot Parasites found in Cov!d V@ccines! Transhuman Experimental V@ccine
Stunning Nano Robot Parasites found in Cov!d V@ccines! Stunning Nano-Machine parasites were found in the samples of Cov!d V@ccines!...